Email Change
Users can use self-service methods to change their email.
Login to ILogin
- Navigate to ILogin.
- Enter the email address then click Next.
- On the Verify with your password screen, enter the password then click Verify.
- On the Verify it's you with a security method screen, select the preferred security method.
Update Personal Information
- Locate and click the user's name on the top right of the screen.
- Click Settings.
- Next to Personal Information, click Edit.
- In the Personal Information screen, update the Primary email field with the new email address.
- Click Save.
Confirm Email Change
- An email is sent to the new email address to Confirm Email Address Change (check Spam folder if not received). Open this email and click Confirm Email Change.
- Clicking this link confirms the email address change.
- This process does not change the password or the configured multi-factor.
- An email is sent notifying the user of a pending email address change.
- It may take up to 72 hours for the email change to reflect on all applications.
- Once the email address has been changed, wait 5-10 minutes and login to ILogin with the new email address.